b'T G EHERANDA T S T E R L I N G E S T A T E S O F W E S T C O B BMORNING ACTIVITIESMorning Introductions / Morning GatheringsDuringthistime wearediscussingcurrentevents, what happened in history on that days date, what the activities are that are happening that day, what the menu is for that days meals, and what the weather forecast is.We also always have a picture, poem and quote of the day that we will discuss.Music & Movement / SittersizeThe wellnessteamfromtheLandmarkbuildingjoinsus everymorningandon Tuesday& Wednesdayafternoon tohelpkeepourbodiesactivethroughexerciseand stretching.Brain Games/Cranium Crunches - Memory ExercisesWe select a variety of different word & picture puzzles, and trivia that helps to work the different parts of our brains. Examples of these are: Crossword puzzles, category sorting, trivia,hiddenObjectgames, wordscrambles, would you rather, etc.Discovery DiscussionsWestudydifferenttopicswithstudyguidesandShort videos and then discuss.Each of the discussions have a number of questions throughout the reading material that are used to spark conversation. Household HelpersThe residents assist the staff with clearing and prepping our dining room for mealtimes and special events.They may fold/roll silverware, wipe down tables and placemats or set the tables.We also do a variety of things throughout the community (watering plants, wiping down equipment in the wellness center, assisting in the preparation of some of the activities, etc.)AFTERNOON ACTIVITIESThroughout the day we are making sure that our residents stay hydrated.We have set 3:00pm as a social refreshment timedaily,ontopofthis.Afternoonactivitiescenteron club meetings and special activities as discussed on these pages.'